A Book of a Thousand Stories

A slice of me

It’s been two amazing years, penning down my thoughts and painting the world my colour and have had mad fun thanks to you guys and as I begin this next phase, I’d love to start by sharing with the world a few things about me I hope you enjoy.

And here we go.

  1. I am a shy introvert (if at all there is anything like that) and I adore the beauty of silence. I sit, see the world revolving and all I add to it are voices in my head. I see a butterfly beautiful dance in the wind and in my head I scream in ecstasy, I see a poor child and my mind silently whispers how that kid would not be on the streets if only we cared a little bit more, if only we could love a little bit more. Some might think of me as a coward and others deem me wise, well that’s for the world to decide but before you judge me, here is a fact, I am a knight of the pen and don’t they say a pen is mightier than a sword well, I guess then am mightier than Jon Snow, (Game of Thrones) because I have this awesome platform (https://yegonwinston.wordpress.com) where I fight my battles, I write the shortfalls in the society a tall height and I also right the wrongs the best way I know how.
  2. I am ambitious like very ambitious and sometimes my ambitions scare me. I work to one day own a plane, well that may seem way too ambitious considering I don’t even own a bicycle  but yes a man can only dream and work to achieve. Many a times I beat my feet on the dust and such times I wonder if really it’s even wise to dream of owning a plane and there are also days, I wake up watch the shards of the sun rise rays kiss the mountain top, and I can’t help but imagine such a beautiful view from the skies and such are the days I am more than convinced I am not ambitious enough.
  3. Even though ambitious, I love and treasure the simple things in life that mean everything. Like the beauty of the sunrise and the sunset, the beauty of the dandelion in the wind. I love to watch the moon as it stretches it creases to full bloom, as it grows its love from a crescent to a full moon, I like to watch the stars twinkle as they illuminate a myriad reflections of beauty, I like to listen to the tales, the river tells as it slowly meanders through life and I love the smell of the of soil after the rain showers its love. I love the beauty of the unspoken.
  4. True riches is not measured by money and stuff but lies in the people we love and so I love and really treasure friendships. I have seen so many friendships being formed, so many ‘Friends Forever’ tags being exchanged but have also seen many of my friends drift away. I look back on the memories of days we shared; all I can do is smile and be grateful.
  5. Am not perfect, and neither am I the kind of perfect they paint on the cover of magazines. I have my struggles, I have said things that I didn’t mean and have meant things I didn’t say. I definitely have some could-haves and some should-haves and a few might-have-beens. I have chased dreams and stumbled, I have chased hearts and skinned mine in the process. I have fought and lost but have also fought and won but I have learnt a lot and am no longer afraid of where I will land, I learned to dream from watching the sky fall.
  6. I am a believer, a believer of love at first sight.
  7. What is life?

Well I can become a philosopher and give a deductive argument of how life is a bicycle or a rainbow well, f**K that, all i know is that I may be lost in this life and who said i have to be found, but I’ll tell you one thing, In this life, have had my fair share of rainbows and have learnt that this life doesn’t owe me a forever, this beautiful amazing people in my life, (Including you) don’t owe me a lifetime and all I have is today and I am going to spend all of it making so many memories that when I am bald at 90, with beards grey, and sipping Kenyan tea under a tree, I’ll be a book carrying a thousand stories.

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