
Have you ever wondered what the world would be without you? Would it still be the same? Without your touch in it, will it still be as beautiful?

I have been in that predicament for far too long.  Have steered my ship without self belief, lifted the anchor and then put it back down, afraid to face the sea and all that’s in it.  I have lost the treasures that lie in the vast world coz of fear of the waves, left on the shore to admire those with the courage of embracing the waves, riding on them to a destination where beauty is tangible and success like the sands of the sea.

I am this guy who looked into the mirror and many a times a stranger was looking back. Million of times have stared at the world with a bold face, smiled… and then denied myself. Yes have shelved my dreams because they seemed far too big for a guy so small. I have for a long time accepted mediocre because the best I believed was meant for the stars – whom for a myriad of times I’ve worn their mask, buried myself and lived in their skin. But tired here I come, tired of killing the original. Living the life of another I refuse -original I was made a copy i wont live.

So world, in my own skin, I embrace you- if you embrace me back that’s for you to decide- but I will shelve my dreams no more, i will nod not in silence as thoughts do a marathon in my head. I’ll speak up and tell the world its OK… its OK to peel off the mask and embrace your beautiful self, its OK to have perfect imperfections, its OK to have bad hair days, its OK to be plus size, its OK to be a fire its OK to dream big and be that star- and if the earth is too small for your light, boy… there’s Jupiter. So dim not your light, burn as brightly as you can paint the world your colour coz sure thing it’s so dull without you.